Here, you can find additional guidance, a step-by-step guide for planning your transition and other tools in the Live Meeting to Skype for Business resource site. We have created a toolkit to enable you to help your users make this important migration. You play an important role in helping your users have a successful migration. To help you with this transition, we’ve created some training and guides for you which can be found here Live Meeting to Skype for Business resource site.

You should begin scheduling your upcoming meetings in Office 365 and Skype for Business, but meetings you’ve already scheduled will work as planned through final shutdown date on December 31, 2017. And more… (see the complete comparison below).Better quality, with HD video and video based screen sharing.Support for participating in meetings from iOS, Android, and other mobile devices.Increased scale, with up to 10,000 attendees in a Skype Meeting Broadcast.Skype for Business provides many advantages over Live Meeting, including:

We encourage you to begin the move from Live Meeting to Skype for Business as quickly as possible, completing the migration no later than December 31, 2017, at which time the existing Live Meeting service will be fully shut down. We’ve been working hard to get Skype for Business and Skype Meeting Broadcast ready with new conversation and meeting features, so we’re inviting you to begin the migration from Live Meeting to Skype for Business. If your company is using Office Live Meeting, we have some important news to share with you.